martes, 14 de noviembre de 2017

That´s English: Movie Scene

This week (13/11-17/11) we are filming our movie scene so rehearse rehearse rehearse!

MovieClapboard_73937e62-286b-40ca-a23f-12ae7bcf6226.jpg                                  Movie Scene
  1. Choose a movie genre for your scene (in your notebook).
  1. Decide what you want the scene to be about and where it takes place.

  1. Choose your characters.

  1. Write your dialogue. Each person needs to talk at least twice. Write a total of 10-12 lines.

  1. You need to write ALL of this in YOUR notebook:
  • movie genre
  • where your scene takes place (school, haunted house, city, etc.)
  • characters
  • dialogue

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