lunes, 13 de noviembre de 2017

Zones 3: Hands-On Zone 2

Zones 3


Make your own Oscar Award

And the winner is…


1. Take the Oscar silhouette template and trace the shape over gold paper.

2. Make two silhouettes. Cut them out.

3. Next cut a slit halfway down the center of one of your silhouettes.

4. Cut halfway up the center of your other silhouette until reaching the point where you stopped cutting the first silhouette.

5. Join the two silhouettes at the slits to make a three-dimensional statue. Use tape to keep the two pieces together.

6. Finally cut a strip of black paper and a small piece of white paper. Write the name of the award (best actor, best actress..) on the white paper and paste it on the black paper.

7. Tape the black strip around the Oscar statue into a ring and your Oscar is ready!

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